Tuesday, November 10, 2015


#Amazing new beats and breaks
Having ability to play in traditional way is necessary, but you need to develop & give training to your muscles and mind for out of box playing. This is the point drummers get famous and popular in people who are interested in thrill of playing & hearing drums. Yes it's true some listeners only hear sounds of drums even if many other instrumental sounds are mixed with it. That is the first interest point of attraction of drums.

When you have achieved some training and confidence with playing few drum beats, you need to be relax and think. Some new drum beats can be created by removing some hits from known beat, adding additional stroke to existing beat or by both of them.

Also you can experiment with off-beat strokes too. But it's good until you do not over do the trick.

It's sometimes the better option you can take is unexpected silence. Sometimes it's important you allow singer to attracted  by audience totally. What you gave to singer will come back to you doubled when you then start with breaking silence gently.

The same trick also can be used with only your bass drum. Sometimes you may notice drummers avoid playing their bass few kicks but keep constantly playing hi-hat and/or snare while in middle of song. This gives the audience a refresh and motivation as soon as you again start playing the bass. For best practice, these missing bass kicks can be 2 or 4 in 4/4 beat song.

It's totally free to play and it's important you play lonely. Get any opinions from experts, but do not depend on them. Find yourself alone, and your audience will know who you are when you are on the stage some day.

#Trends & Styles
Most audiences behave on trends, otherwise special listeners. It's best you follow up the trend, and then take your audience to a new & your own trend. One of your best milestones appear here when you are able to do this. You will build your own fans.

#Develop your own style
Do not try to artificially create your style. let your style to develop with your experience and talents. Then add some colors to your own style. If you do, you will have a style with both base and colors, and some others will start imitate what you play on the stage.

#Successful Drumming Secrets
I would like to propose some tips to keep your drumming life success. The ability to read drum notes and playing as it is,  is not the only thing you need. Let's see..

Constant Training: The training is something that should keeping continued for a drummer. The constant training give you confidence, stability, good timing, and your mind and muscles are ready.

Play same song differently: Some times this will confuse your friend who plays the bass guitar, but with time, he will understand you before you start the change with his sense. This gives a freshness and proves that you are not a built-in machine came with the drum kit. 

Maintain your drum kit: It's important you keep your instruments in better condition, specially bass drum pedals and hi-hats. They need to be fine-tuned periodically for comfortable playing. Also tune up them to get right output and check them before you arrive audience.

Create something audience to identify you: Most popular players has created their own small parts and use them somewhere in their playing, which is noticeable. This allows audience to identify that's you are behind the drums! However it's important not to over do this, but keep it something like your logo.

Feel the entire song: As previously mentioned, you need to be something belongs to the song, and something cannot removed from the song. First you need to feel the song, and play with that feelings. In most, the same feeling cast's to the audience if you do it right. Be something withing the song.

I would like to come to you again with more drumming secrets and set of lessons from beginners to experts. Thanks for reading & liking on facebook. See you with next article.